Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Business is Born! (or Jen has finally gone bonkers!)

Those who know me know that baking is in my blood.  The women in my family have always found joy in creating amazing things in the kitchen.  I find a plate of cookies, a pan of cinnamon rolls or a batch of cupcakes is a very natural way to express appreciation, friendship or love for someone. It is amazing how many misunderstandings can be swept away with a little frosting and a whole lot of love. And absolutely nothing is more welcoming than a sweet dessert.  And when you take it to a whole new level and bring someone a cake, you leave no doubt in their mind that to you, they are truly special.

Left to Right: Strawberry Cream, Key Lime, Chocolate Turtle, Chocolate Rasperry Mousse, and Triple Malted Chocolate cakes.

I am not in the habit of documenting my baking adventures, but I did take the time to snap a quick and very unprofessionally displayed picture of the gourmet cakes I created for my step-mother's birthday celebration last year.  It kind of gives you the impression that I might not just be patting my own back (something that is not only uncomfortable for me to do, but virtually impossible-try it and you will see what I mean!) and may be absolutely serious when I tell you that I make amazing cakes.

Blurry Picture of the cake- sorry!  The baby in the picture was the center of my attention at the time.  Showcasing the cake now is an afterthought.    My own Baby Tangled and her Baby Tangled birthday cake.

Over the years, I have come to believe that while presentation is very important, the way to people's hearts really and truly is through their stomachs.  If something tastes divine, and eating your food is something that people enjoy and look forward to, they are even more likely to appreciate your efforts.

I never thought about turning my talent into a business.  Until last weekend.  A dear friend and neighbor was searching for a wedding cake for her daughter.  She wanted something beautiful, something vintage, AND something that was enjoyable to eat as well.  She suggested that her daughter call me (What?!) and see if I would be willing to create a cake for her.  After I picked myself up off the floor- where I had ended up when I first heard her question and dissolved into fits of laughter, an idea started to form in the back of my mind.  i could do this.....I could do this......  I could do this!  I know my cakes are good (one look and you will see that I have probably enjoyed tasting far too many of them...I need to work on that, but I need to type this first....) and people are delighted when I share them.

Bella and Edward "Twilight Cake" for an obsessed fan (my baby sister).  Bella's skirt included a full silver moon with a wolf howling (a shout-out to Jacob).  Never laughed harder than when making this cake.

I got excited at the idea of sharing my talents with others.  Then I got scared.  I could not believe that I had just agreed to do make her wedding cake!  I considered backing out.  When they came to talk about cakes that night, I tried.  They would not hear of it.  With their support, I decided to jump in and see where this adventure would take me.  I spent the weekend baking trial cakes to find the perfect combination for L's wedding cake.  It turned out that I could not have picked better cheerleaders if I had tried.  They swooned over the cakes, broke several dieting pacts as they sampled them and then began to spread the word like wild fire that my talents were for hire.  What had been a simple venture between friends quickly turned into something much bigger.

My husband and I spent the weekend brainstorming names and asking FB friends for suggestions. I picked the name Sweet Whimsy Cakes because I think it says several things about who I am and what I want this business to be.  First of all, perfection is not what I am striving for.  My cakes are not flawless, but each one is a work of art made from the heart and with a touch of whimsy.  After all, if you don't have a sense of humor what fun are you really?  I also feel like each cake should be as individual as the person it is for.  We are not clones, cakes shouldn't be either.  And most importantly, it is truly what is on the inside that counts.  A cake can be flawless on the outside and turn out to be nothing more than styrofoam on the inside (it's true!  Happens at weddings all the time!)  But if it IS more than styrofoam, it should taste much better.  I think a cake should bring tears to your eyes (not really, but if it does, I want pictures, I WILL post them and send them to everyone I know and then I can die happy!) and a smile to your face.  I haven't succeeded unless you are glad that you took that bite and want to take another.

With a helpful and business minded husband supporting me I am off and baking.  And so I have an email, a Facebook page, a blog and....a website!  I am not prepared with gorgeous pictures, they will be coming (Russ, again...what would I do without him and his many talents?).  I am not sure I will remember the password to my email and I hope I will be able to find all those accounts once I close the windows to go look at more recipes. It still feels strange to tell people that I have started a cake business.  I am sure it will take some getting used to.  But I know that my cakes and baked goods are delicious enough to delight anyone who decides to pick me to bake for them. The feedback I get from the 24 dozen cinnamon rolls I made a few years ago for Christmas (I am NOT kidding), the hundred vanilla bean cupcakes I just finished for Mother's day, the cakes I have made for friends by request and as gifts and the word of my family makes me feel like I may have found the perfect niche for me.  I am grateful for the support of so many awesome friends.  Woman (and men) who are truly my idols have given me the courage to really try and do this.  It could be a very fun ride.  I hope you peek in every once in a while to see how it is going.

A quick cake (I mean it, don't look close!) to test a new Cream Cheese Buttercream frosting.  Guess what?  It worked!  Help up in the heat and tasted divine!  This will work perfectly on L's red velvet groom cake!

And if you feel like doing a little more than peeking, stop by the kitchen and I will find a sample of something to share and we will spend way too much time chatting at the kitchen table!

It occurs to me as I wrap this first of many posts up, that an appropriate grand-opening would not be complete without an appropriately enticing reward.  I think I shall bake up a contest involving my friends, their ability to spread the word and a delicious reward.  What shall it be?  Stay tuned and see!




  1. How in the world have I missed reading your blog? How. in. the. world.

    And all I can say now is that I am longing for a Twilight cake.

    Except that I'm kidding.


    1. Ah will find that this little blog is sadly, sadly neglected. There is, a good reason for that, however......About five, no two, seconds after posting to this my techy hubby decided it would be wonderful to skip the blogosphere entirely and create a website! Which is a good idea for a business, but not so good if you were dabbling your untrained feet in the the blog-gy water. My New Year's resolution is to learn how to blog on my site and post picture thingeys of the cakes and such that I make. You should go there and then you should send tips on how to make it better. And I love that you liked the Twilight was a source of many good endorphins that were much needed at the time (being my sister's first birthday without my Mom and all.)

      I am amazed you found this........we kept it mainly so that no one else could claim the name....and your post reminds me that perhaps I should post a post guiding other souls to the website. So, in short, you have been most helpful. And kind in that you chose not to remind me that my daughter unkindly absconded and devoured your cupcakes. I owe you some. =)
